All American Quarter Horse Congress

Class: 8867 1996 Colts - Limited Div 1st Go

Shown: 13
PlaceBack NoEarningsHorse NameOwner(s)
ExhibitorOwner Address
15227 $200.00Playgirls ReflectionGreg Farmer
Cecil H Butcher IIICorryton, TN
28941 $180.00Executive ProtectionEdward S & Julie A Masters
Don McDuffeeJacksonville, FL
32013 $160.00SignaturesSignatures Limited
Drew BesonsonRichmond, MI
45421 $140.00Omega DesignKyle G Hughes
Ronald StrattonMeadowville, VA
55339 $120.00So Very CoolLois Trushell
Randy JacobsBelpre, OH
61054 $100.00OK To Be CoolKeith Rush
Cote AndrepontGonzales, LA
79974 $0.00Bee My SierraMichael Rogers
Dave PageAubrey, TX
89012 $0.00Demand SecuriteeMSU Merillat Equine Center Inc
Shorty ParksAdrian, MI
99393 $0.00Untouchable CluGuinn Moore
Monte HornKosciusko, MS
105903 $0.00Im Cruisin N CoolLarry Johnson
Rick LeekAilsa Craig Ont, CN

Judges Cards

1. 5227 5227 5227 5421
2. 2013 8941 8941 8941
3. 5339 2013 5339 5227
4. 8941 1054 2013 1054
5. 9012 5421 5421 9974
6. 5421 5903 9974 9393
7. 9974 9974 9012 5339
8. 1054 9012 9393 9012
9. 9393 8503 5903 8503
10. 8503 5339 2042 5903

Tie Breaker Judge: T-Smith

Alternate Tie Breaker Judge: A-Hover