All American Quarter Horse Congress

Class: 4409 YA Horsemanship (15-18) 1st Go

Shown: 169
PlaceBack NoEarningsHorse NameOwner(s)
ExhibitorOwner Address
13341 $100.00We Be JettinRick Meredith
Joetta MeredithPollok, TX
24980 $90.00A Touch Of JazzKimberly Irons
Kimberly IronsDinsmore, CA
37074 $80.00Sleepy Clover DaleJessica Carol Gunn
Jessica Carol GunnGreensburg, IN
49487 $70.00Bonanzas Hard RockJean Russom
Carrie RussomCorning, AR
57480 $60.00Docs Poco SatinJustin Billings
Justin BillingsCanal Winchester, OH
64019 $45.00Lucky Leo PromoterKristie Lynn Willingham
Kristie Lynn WillinghamConyers, GA
72724 $30.00Zipped N Bar TeddyMiranda Kaye Reimann
Miranda Kaye ReimannAlto, MI
82788 $25.00Eye L Be GoodJanice VanPelt
Emily VanPeltLeesburg, OH
98897 $0.00Zip Along MontanaW R Murfin
Mellisa MurfinWichita, KS
107529 $0.00Go Lucky FridayJames & Gail Getzen
Christi GetzenHendersonville, TN

Judges Cards

1. 3341 3341 4980 3341
2. 4980 4980 3341 4019
3. 9487 7074 7074 2788
4. 2724 7480 7480 4980
5. 7529 9487 9487 7480
6. 7480 8897 8897 7074
7. 4019 5575 8218 8686
8. 2788 7077 2724 3700
9. 8686 2724 4019 1902
10. 7077 4019 2788 7529

Tie Breaker Judge: T-Smith

Alternate Tie Breaker Judge: A-Ryan