All American Quarter Horse Congress

Class: 1382 Sr Trail 1st Go

Shown: 76
PlaceBack NoEarningsHorse NameOwner(s)
ExhibitorOwner Address
13077 $200.00Pressin Dee LuckMeggan Marie Hawkins
Cheryl Harvey HawkinsPlant City, FL
29987 $180.00Eves Poco PeteMargaret Paulson
Lisa FarrellCromwell, CT
39515 $160.00A Dose Of The BluesBetty Jean Curran
Betty Jean CurranLouisburg, KS
41094 $140.00Cameos CustomKatie Lynn House
Robert JohnsonS Glastonbury, CT
51049 $120.00Make It DiamondsJack & Carin Shuler
Erinn ShulerCorona, CA
65030 $100.00All A GlowJamie M Doddridge
Jason MartinSanta Ana, CA
76890 $60.00Im A Fine DandyPatricia M Vagneur
Leslie LangeGreeley, CO
87187 $40.00Muscles Danny BoyWilliam & Merri Ann Pursley
Kelley RobertsPalmdale, CA
91397 $0.00Lucky Leo PromoterCheryl W Gray
Michael ColvinConyers, GA
109915 $0.00Just Step AsideRebecca Merrill
Rebecca MerrillMarshalltown, IA

Judges Cards

1. 9987 3077 3077 3077
2. 9515 9987 1049 6890
3. 3077 9915 1094 1397
4. 7187 1049 9987 5030
5. 1094 1094 5030 9515
6. 5030 6890 9515 7022
7. 6890 5524 6043 1049
8. 9795 3334 6890 1200
9. 7097 5030 7187 9987
10. 6043 1397 3303 3303

Tie Breaker Judge: T-Parker

Alternate Tie Breaker Judge: A-Wilson