2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress Show Results

The 2011 Congress horse show results will be available here on a slight delay

Please note: Congress officials do not release go-round results. The results of any Limited Division of any Stakes or Futurity event also will not be posted until after the Open Division of the class is judged.

  Reining classes
1341 AQHA Junior Reining
1342 AQHA Senior Reining
2340 AQHA Amateur Reining
3340 AQHA Novice Amateur Reining
4347 AQHA Youth Reining (13 & Under)
4348 AQHA Youth Reining (14-18)
5340 AQHA Novice Youth Reining
  NYATT Reining
6600 NRHA Open Reining
6605 NRHA Intermediate Open Reining
6606 NRHA Youth Reining (13 & Under)
6607 NRHA Youth Reining (14-18)
6610 NRHA Non-Pro Reining
6615 NRHA Intermediate Non-Pro Reining
6620 NRHA Limited Non-Pro Reining
6625 NRHA Limited Open Reining
6630 Ladies Reining
6635 NRHA Novice Horse - Open
6640 NRHA Novice Horse - Non-Pro
6645 Cinch Open Freestyle Reining
6650 Cinch Open Freestyle Reining
8815 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes, 1st Go
8815 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes, Final
8816 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes - Limited, Final
8817 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes - Intermediate, 1st Go
8817 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes - Intermediate, Final
8818 Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes - Prime-Time, Final
9900 Congress Reining Futurity - Open, 1st Go
9900 Congress Reining Futurity - Open, Final
9901 Congress Reining Futurity - Intermediate, 1st Go
9901 Congress Reining Futurity - Intermediate, Final
9902 Congress Reining Futurity - Limited
9903 Congress Reining Futurity - Prime-Time